This post is an updated version of one that was originally published in April 2011.

We've passed our
last frost date
here in southern New Mexico, so it is time to plant the summer garden!
I'm excited for the year ahead, and hoping to try a few new techniques this year. I have a couple new raised beds for more planting space this year, and I'm going to try out deep mulch gardening in some areas instead of my usual method. The keys to a happy garden are good
soil, the right amount of water, and plenty of sunshine.
Plan it Out
Before I planted my first summer garden a few years ago, I drew up a
little plan of my garden and mapped out where I would plant everything.
Then I actually planted things and learned that the "plan" was totally
off. These days, I still like to do at least a bit of planning ahead for
plant placement. I do the following:
- Take stock of old seeds - If you've previously planted
a garden, you may still have some old seed packets. Figure out what
you've got and what you still need for this year. I only had to buy a
couple seed packets this year.
- Plan for companion plants - For instance, tomatoes
will benefit from being planted near parsley and dill, and would enjoy
the afternoon shade offered by sunflowers. Basil likes to be planted
near tomatoes. For more ideas, check out my post on companion planting with herbs.
- Get a rough idea of plant placement - Make sure to
find a nice, sunny spot for your plants. To reduce pests and diseases,
it is a good idea to make sure you don't plant the same type of plants
in the same location year after year. I also need to re-think plant
placement a bit each year because my compost heap changes locations and
other plants (like strawberries) have taken over more area in the
Prep the Soil and Add Compost
Good soil is key to a flourishing garden. The ideal soil will have
plenty of nutrients for the plants, will drain away excess water to
prevent root rot, and will also retain enough moisture to keep the
plants from drying out too much between waterings. Even if you have
great soil,
at a minimum you'll still want to turn over the dirt in your garden annually (unless you want to try the deep mulch gardening technique, which I will describe later in the post).
This ensures that the ground is not too hard-packed so that roots can
easily grow. It also helps to mix nutrients evenly into the soil since
certain areas may have been depleted by previous plantings.
If you don't have very good soil, you'll need to amend it to make it
better. Overly sandy soil drains too quickly and the plants will dry
out too much. In some yards, there is clay soil which is problematic
since it drains very slowly and is very compacted (which makes it hard
for roots to grow).
The best thing to use for amending your soil is compost!
Compost is basically decomposed plant matter, and it is full of
nutrients. Using compost is a great way to enrich the soil as it
retains just enough moisture and provides all the fertilizer your plants
will need to grow and thrive. The ground in my yard is full of sand
and rocks. Every year I remove more rocks and add more compost, so over
time my garden soil is getting better and better.

Compost is also great to use because it can be very cost effective. I
have two large compost piles, and it is wonderful to put all of my
vegetable scraps plus yard waste to such good use. If you don't yet
make your own compost, check to see if your local city has any
available. In my area,
we can get compost for free at the city landfill.
You can also buy compost at the store. Whichever compost you use, make
sure it is fully composted before planting your vegetables in it. My
mom uses store-bought compost and finds it best to amend the soil and
then wait 1-2 weeks before planting.
Get to Planting
Once your soil is ready, you can start planting! Some plants, like
tomatoes, get planted individually with plenty of space between plants.
Other plants, like corn, get planted in rows. And then squash,
cucumbers, and melons get planted in hills.
When transplanting tomato or tomatillo plants, it is a good idea to plant them much deeper than other seedlings. The bottom of the main stem (which includes some leaves) should be buried in the ground. This will give the
tomato plants a head start as roots will grow off the main stem.
This year, the edible plants in my garden will be:
- Tomatoes
- Butternut squash, spaghetti squash, zucchini, and yellow squash
- Cucumbers
- Sunflowers, marigolds, and nasturtiums
- Strawberries
- Swiss chard
- Watermelons
- Pumpkins
- Green onions
- Celery
- Corn
- Parsley, basil, oregano, dill, mint, and thyme
Make it Beautiful with Flowers

I take a queue from my mom and always plant flowers in with my
vegetables. This makes the garden beautiful to look at, but it also
aids the vegetables. For instance, sunflowers can provide
late-afternoon shade for tomatoes, marigolds can benefit strawberries,
and zinnias can attract lots of beneficial pollinators. Nasturtiums are
also great to plant as bugs are more attracted to them than to your
veggies. For more information on companion planting with flowers, check
out the
Extreme Gardening
Set up the Watering System
Where I live, we have a yearly rainfall of only 8-11 inches so
supplemental watering of the garden is absolutely required! If you
don't get regular rain in your area, you'll also need to supplement the
water in your garden. I know many people who like to use sprinklers or
even water with the hose by hand, but my preferred method for watering
is a drip system. Drip systems are wonderful for many reasons:
- Drip systems deliver water directly to the ground around your
plants. This keeps the plants healthy and beautiful as many do not like
having their leaves wet.
- If you use a timer with your drip system, it will ensure that your
plants get watered on a regular basis. This is a must for me as I can't
be trusted to remember to water my garden all the time.
- Drip systems conserve water since the water goes directly into the ground where it is needed, instead of up into the air.
Setting up a drip system can be complicated or simple. My drip
system is part of the overall landscape irrigation system that we
installed. However, you can easily set up a drip system off the hose
bib in your yard as well. They even sell drip system kits at the home
improvement stores. If you want more info, check out this
free irrigation tutorial site.
Once you are done transplanting and your seeds have started growing
well, it is a good idea to apply a layer of mulch to the garden.
Mulch helps to keep the ground from drying out too much, and it also keeps the plants off of the moist ground. Alfalfa hay is especially good to use as a mulch because it provides nutrients to the soil as time goes on.
Deep mulch gardening, which I will be experimenting with this year, is a method whereby you add lots of mulch (at least 8-12 inches) and leave it in place. Then you just separate the mulch a bit to plant. This method is supposed to involve no digging or weeding, as more mulch gets continually added on top while the mulch on the bottom breaks down. Where I live, the trickiest part of implementing this method will be watering. I'll let you know how my experiments with this method work out.
Get the Kids Involved

your kids involved in the garden is wonderful. It teaches them about
the life cycle of plants, lets them feel responsible and confident, and
gives them skills for their own gardening endeavors as they grow up.
Even very young children can participate, although when they are under
2-years-old their contributions will look more like getting filthy in
the dirt. My daughter has had her own little
garden space since she was three-years-old. She helps me plant
seeds and transplant seedlings into my garden, but
she especially loves having her own space where she can plant anything she wants, however she wants! And she is immeasurably proud when she gets to harvest food from her garden and watch us all enjoy it at the dinner table.
Watch it Grow and Keep a Journal!
Once your garden is planted, it's time to enjoy watching it grow until
the foods are ripe. A friend gave me the great idea to keep a gardening
journal. Each year, I record what was planted, when it was planted,
and how it fared. This helps me keep track from year-to-year on what
worked best.
What are you planting this year? Have you tried deep mulch gardening? What are your tips for planting the summer garden?
This post is part of Fight Back Friday!