Nutrients in Butter and Cod Liver Oil Work Synergistically
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Photo from Nutrition and Physical Degeneration |
Weston Price found that cod liver oil worked synergistically with high-vitamin butter. Price wrote of controlling and preventing cavities through the following:
"The program that I have found most efficient has been one which includes the use of small quantities of very high vitamin butter mixed in equal parts with a very high vitamin cod liver oil... When this butter oil is mixed in equal parts with a very high-vitamin cod liver oil, it produces a product that is more efficient than either alone...The quantity of the mixture of butter oil and cod liver oil required is quite small, half a teaspoonful three times a day with meals is sufficient to control wide-spread tooth decay when used with a diet that is low in sugar and starches and high in foods providing the minerals, particularly phosphorus. A teaspoonful a day divided between two or three meals is usually adequate to prevent dental caries and maintain a high immunity; it will also maintain freedom from colds and a high level of health in general. This reinforcement of the fat-soluble vitamins to a menu that is low in starches and sugars, together with the use of bread and cereal grains freshly ground to retain the full content of the embryo or germ, and with milk for growing children and for many adults, and the liberal use of sea foods and organs of animals, produced the result described."It is clear that, to get the most benefit from taking cod liver oil, the nutrients in high-vitamin butter should be consumed alongside cod liver oil.
My Family's Experience with Butter Oil
My family stopped taking fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) years ago because of digestive and flavor issues. Back when we were still using FCLO, my family tried taking high-vitamin butter oil along with our cod liver oil, but we had a hard time with the flavor. The butter oil had a very strong smell and flavor that I found to be unpleasant; my toddler daughter did like the butter oil, but my husband and I could never get ourselves to take it with any regularity. At that time, I gave up on the idea of having butter oil, and just focused on liberally using high-vitamin butter (usually on toast or waffle) whenever we took our dose of cod liver oil.
I opened the extra-virgin butter oil with the expectation that it would have the same strong and somewhat offensive smell and taste as the butter oil I tried years ago, but I was in for a surprise. Extra-virgin butter oil has a pleasant smell that reminds me of the smell of homemade popcorn, and it tastes like unsalted butter. I like to add a tiny pinch of salt or dab of raw honey to the butter oil and that makes the taste truly fantastic. Both of my children enjoy the flavor of extra-virgin butter oil and like taking it along with their EVCLO.
We will still be using high-vitamin butter liberally, but especially for those times of year when the butter from the store is on the pale side, it will be a pleasure to supplement with extra-virgin butter oil to make sure we are getting the most benefit from our extra virgin cod liver oil.
What are your experiences with butter oil? Do you take cod liver oil and butter oil together?
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I did not mind the flavor of the mix (FCLO & butter oil blend) but there was absolutely NO WAY I could ever take it because of the texture. Simple FCLO is liquid and I gave it to my daughter in the provided syringe, but the blend is solid (at least for us b/c we are keeping it refrigerated). Swallowing liquid is easy, regardless of the taste (hold your breath until after you drink some water after the oil), but swallowing a teaspoon of hard fat with an awful flavor, good luck with that. We just eat butter as well and ghee is my cooking fat of choice. Isn't the bright yellow ghee the same as the high vitamin butter oil? I don't believe what is marketed as high vitamin butter oil is a miraculous substance, or any more miraculous than ghee and high quality butter from grass fed cows. The combination of eating butter on a regular basis and a daily morning dose of FCLO has healed my daughter's cavity. For me, that was a miracle: hearing the dentist saying that "her cavity has been arrested due to good diet"!
I don't understand if people are against polyunsaturated oils why is fermented cod liver oil ok?
Polyunsaturated oils are VERY unstable, oxidizing quickly when exposed to oxygen, light and heat—even just sitting in a bottle, but also when they go into our bodies—and turning rancid. (including omegas) Also Fermented foods require a glucose source to create (metabolize) a by-product e.g. lactic acid that prevents the food from
decomposing. The result is a pleasant sour taste that one would find with sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, etc. Cod liver oil has no glucose and cod livers have very little glucose (mostly protein, fat, water and some minerals). The livers and the oil simply go from fresh to rancid in a short period of time. If left to continue decomposing the oil will become putrid leaving a foul smell and taste.
Furthermore, Cod, like Shark, are long-lived fish. As they go about living for years and years, and during that time, they accumulate environmental toxins. And the toxins are most concentrated in the livers. So when you drink
Cod liver oil, you should expect environmental toxins! That just makes sense!
Sadly, atlantic Cod is an over-fished and threatened species.
Why not just eat more fish and liver and gain similar yet better benefits since it's a food source? No one tells you that because they want to sell you products!
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